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Agency Voter Registration Material

This web page is designed specifically for the voter registration instructions and voter registration form that is used by an agency which provides food stamps; temporary assistance for needy families (TANF); the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC); or assistance to the disabled as provided by the Department of Human Services.

South Dakota Agency Voter Registration Instructions and Voter Preference Forms
SD Department of Labor Regulation (DLR)
SD Department of Health (DOH)
SD Department of Social Services (DSS)
SD Department of Human Services (DHS)

Voter Registration Forms
Voter Registration Form - Agency C (DSS)
Voter Registration Form - Agency C2 (DLR)
Voter Registration Form - Agency C3 (DOH)
Voter Registration Form - Agency D (DHS)
Voter Registration Form - Agency E (Military)

Known or suspected NVRA compliance issues or violations at an Agency of any office where Covered Transactions* occur can be reported to the Secretary of State's office by emailing [email protected].

*Covered Transactions: Transactions specified in the NVRA, 52 U.S.C 20506(a)(6)(A), including applications, renewals, and change of address requests for Driver's licenses and non-driver identification cards, 52 U.S.C 20504(a) & (d) and application, renewals, recertification, and change of address request for public assistance, 52 U.S.C. 20506(a)(6)(1), whether conducted in-person or remotely, and whether conducted at an Agency or another site pursuant to a contract or agreement with an Agency.