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Potential 2026 Ballot Questions

2026 Ballot Question Information

The next 30-month cycle for ballot measures begins May 3, 2024 (30 months before the 2026 general election, which will be held November 3, 2026). The first day ballot measure language can be submitted to the LRC is May 3, 2024. If a sponsor does submit a petition before that date, the LRC will notify the sponsor of the SDCL 12-13-25 requirements. The next petition as it is to be circulated deadline for the 2026 General Election is November 3, 2025, and the petition signature deadline is May 3, 2026.

12-13-25. Review and comment--Legislative Research Council--Opinion.

The sponsors of each initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution shall submit a copy of each version of the initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution to the director of the Legislative Research Council for review and comment not more than six months before it may be circulated for signatures under 2-1-1.1 or 2-1-1.2. The director shall review each version of the submitted initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution to determine if the requirements of 12-13-24 are satisfied and if the initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution may have any impact on revenues, expenditures, or fiscal liability of the state or its agencies and subdivisions. Unless as otherwise provided under 12-13-25.2, not more than fifteen workdays following receipt of an initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution, the director shall provide written comments on the initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution to the sponsors of the initiated measure or initiated amendment, the attorney general, and the secretary of state for the purpose of assisting the sponsors in complying with 12-13-24. The director's written comments under this section shall include assistance regarding the substantive content of the initiated measure or initiated amendment in order to minimize any conflict with existing law and to ensure the measure's or amendment's effective administration. If the sponsors submit an initiated amendment to the Constitution, the director shall provide, with the written comments, a written opinion to the sponsors, the attorney general, and the secretary of state as to whether the initiated amendment embraces only one subject under S.D. Const., Art. XXIII, 1 and whether it is an amendment under S.D. Const., Art. XXIII, 1 or a revision under S.D. Const., Art. XXIII, 2. The sponsors may, but are not required to, amend the initiated measure or initiated amendment to the Constitution to comply with the director's comments.

2026 General Election Ballot Measures

Title - An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, conditioning the requirement of expanded Medicaid on the level of federal medical assistance.

Sponsor: Proposed and passed by the 2025 South Dakota Legislature - HJR 5001
Date Validated: 3/6/2025
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement and Recitation:

Letter Assigned:

Attorney General Recitation:

Title - An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, clarifying that an individual must be a citizen of the United States to be eligible to vote.

Sponsor: Proposed and passed by the 2025 South Dakota Legislature - SJR 503
Date Validated: 3/12/2025
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement and Recitation:

Letter Assigned:

Attorney General Recitation:

Title - An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, establishing the trust for unclaimed property fund.

Sponsor: Proposed and passed by the 2025 South Dakota Legislature - SJR 505
Date Validated: 3/12/2025
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement and Recitation:

Letter Assigned:

Attorney General Recitation:

Title - An amendment to the Constitution of the State of South Dakota, requiring that a constitutional amendment receive an affirmative vote of sixty percent of the votes cast before the measure is enacted.

Sponsor: Proposed and passed by the 2025 South Dakota Legislature - HJR 5003
Date Validated: 3/12/2025
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement and Recitation:

Letter Assigned:

Attorney General Recitation:

2026 Ballot Questions Approved for Circulation

2026 Potential Ballot Questions

Click on the title of the Ballot Question to see the information. Click again to hide.

Title - An Initiated Measure Requiring South Dakota Public Schools K-12 to Initiate a Non-Denominiational Prayer.

Sponsor: Hillel Hellinger
Sponsor address: 1081 NE 175 Street, North Miami Beach, FL 33162
Phone number:
Email: [email protected]
Draft Attorney General's Statement: AG Draft
Final Attorney General's Statement: AG Final
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:

Title - An amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Requiring Legislative Changes to Initiative and Referendum Procedures to be Approved by a Vote of the People.

Sponsor: Rick Weiland
Sponsor address: 2010 South 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone number:
Draft Attorney General's Statement: AG Draft
Final Attorney General's Statement: AG Final
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:

Title - An amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Requiring That Laws May Not be Enacted to Restrict the Power of Initiative and Referendum.

Sponsor: Rick Weiland
Sponsor address: 2010 South 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone number:
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement:
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:

Title - An amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Requiring That Initiated Measures May Not be Changed or Repealed Except by a Two-thirds Vote of the Legislature.

Sponsor: Rick Weiland
Sponsor address: 2010 South 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone number:
Draft Attorney General's Statement:
Final Attorney General's Statement:
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:

Title - An Amendment to the South Dakota Constitution Requiring Legislative Changes to Voter-Approved Initiated Measures, for Seven Years After Approval, to Pass by a Three-Fourths Vote of the Legislature and be Approved by a Vote of the People.

Sponsor: Rick Weiland
Sponsor address: 2010 South 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone number:
Draft Attorney General's Statement: AG Draft
Final Attorney General's Statement: AG Final
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:

Title - An Initiated Measure for Fair Market Value Assessed Property

Sponsor: Joe Hurly
Sponsor address: 2010 South 1st Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
Phone number:
Email: [email protected]
Draft Attorney General's Statement: AG Draft
Final Attorney General's Statement: AG Final
Legislative Research Council Comments: LRC Comments
Fiscal Note:
Circulator Handout:


Ballot Question Committees

To search the campaign finance forms for the ballot question committees and other committees please click here.