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Election Truth & Transparency

Protecting Your Vote

South Dakota Elections are secure image.

The right to a free and fair election is the foundation of our democracy in our nation. My number one job as Chief Election Officer is to ensure that we conduct fair and accurate elections for the citizens of South Dakota. Our office will continue to focus our resources on the protection of our election systems and overall election security. We remain committed and proud of our involvement at the forefront of election security planning and the start of post-election auditing.
-Monae L. Johnson, Secretary of State

The South Dakota Secretary of State's Office is committed to ensuring the safety and security of all voters and the election process in South Dakota. Please learn about the safeguards in place and how you can get involved.

A Guide to Understanding Secure Elections in South Dakota

Secure Elections One Pager

Please visit our FAQ page to find the facts on South Dakota elections.

Check out our Myth vs Fact page for even more information.

Secretary of State's Office Reminds Voters to Remain Vigilant

Read on to learn more about the threats to elections, what we are actively doing, and how you can help.

Election Integrity and Security

While opinions are fun, facts are better.

The South Dakota Secretary of State's Office and the county auditors are the trusted sources of information in the state.

Fight back with the facts that come from trusted sources!

Please help combat disinformation.

South Dakota's elections are secure. Everyone can be confident that their vote is counted. Votes are counted accurately, and the results reflect the will of the voters of South Dakota.

Combatting the disinformation.

Bad actors, both foreign and domestic, pose the greatest threat to elections.

Russia, China, Iran, and other countries are constantly trying to influence the elections in South Dakota and across the United States. They know that our processes are safe and secure so what they do is spread lies about voter fraud, dirty voter rolls, mail ballots, and that the results of our elections are not accurate. Their end goal is to cause our voters to lose confidence in our elections. This amplification of disinformation from foreign threats will continue as they try to damage the United States election system. Domestic intimidations are increasing. There are more and more extreme groups within the US and our state that work to undermine the sanctity of elections with their false rhetoric and lies.

Learn more about foreign threats.

Threats to election officials and administration are real and ongoing!

State and local election officials testify on threats to election administration.

Swatting Prevention and Response Guidance for Election Workers and Law Enforcement

Elections can’t be stolen. Audits and recounts are conducted to ensure results are accurate.

  • County officials test voting equipment prior to each election which is open to the public.
  • County officials conduct an extensive post-election audit of every primary and general election to ensure they are accurate.
  • South Dakota law automatically triggers recounts in very close contests.
  • There are checks and balances built into the election process.
  • Primary and general elections REQUIRE election workers of different party affiliations.
  • Election workers are members of your community, your neighbors, teachers, grandparents, and veterans!
  • Don’t make assumptions. Watch the Process. Learn the Process. Understand the Process.