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1993 Special Referendum Attorney General Explanation


Title: An act to revise certain provisions related to limited gaming in Deadwood.

Attorney General's Explanation:

In 1988 the voters authorized "limited gambling" in Deadwood for historical restoration. The 1989 Legislature limited the number of gaming devices (poker tables, slot machines and blackjack tables) to 30 per retail license and set a maximum bet limit of $5.00. The 1993 Legislature voted to increase these machine and bet limits. These increases depend on Referred Law #1 being approved by the voters.

Referred Law #1 allows lodging establishments holding a convention facility liquor license to have more gaming devices than other establishments, and increases the maximum bet limit in Deadwood. If Referred Law #1 is approved, tribal casinos could also increase the bet limits and number of gaming devices.

If approved, Referred Law #1 will:

1) Allow a lodging establishment which holds a convention facilities liquor license to have 320 gaming devices;

2) Allow the number of gaming devices for other retail establishments to increase from 30 to 45, and for other lodging establishments to increase from 30 to 105 by July 1, 1995;

3) Increase the maximum limit per bet from $5.00 to $100.00 by July 1, 1995; and

4) Allow an increase in the number of gaming devices and bet limits at tribal casinos.

A vote "YES" is in favor of expanding such gambling;

A vote "NO" is against expanding such gambling.

"Shall Referred Law #1 become law?"