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2002 Primary Election Constitutional Amendment Pro and Con Statements

On June 4, 2002 a statewide constitutional amendment election will be combined with the primary election.

SDCL 12-13-23 requires the Office of the Secretary of State to prepare and distribute public information concerning constitutional amendments, initiatives and referred measures. This pamphlet is prepared by soliciting statements from the proponents and opponents of amendments and measures.

The title, explanation and effect of a vote for each ballot question were provided by the Attorney General. No other statements on this pamphlet reflect the opinion of the State or the Attorney General.

The information was compiled by the Secretary of State as supplied by the writers, was not verified by the Secretary of State and does not reflect the position of the State regarding the legality or effect of the amendments or measures. The Secretary of State does not guarantee the accuracy of any claims made by the proponent or opponent writers in this brochure.

This pamphlet is available in Braille or on tape by calling the SD State Library at 1-800-423-6665.

For immediate election returns on June 4, call the Secretary of State toll free at 1-888-70ELECT or browse the results on the Secretary of State’s web page at The text of this pamphlet is also available on that web page.

Please feel free to photocopy and distribute this pamphlet.

Call 1-888-70ELECT or E-mail for a free printed copy of this pamphlet

View Pros & Cons and Attorney General Explanations

View the 1998 Amendment E text

View the text of the House Joint Resolution which placed Amendment A on the Ballot.