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2008 South Dakota General Election Data

2013 Voter Registration Tracking

  Republican Democrat Constitution Libertarian Americans Elect NPA*/IND Total Inactive
2006 General 240,101 190,905 350 1,168 0 74,608 507,132 46,906
2008 General 241,528 204,413 315 1,059 0 83,147 530,462 45,170
02/05/2009 242,246 205,399 325 1,067 0 84,595 533,632 43,092
03/01/2009 242,229 205,519 330 1,071 0 84,841 533,990 42,884
04/01/2009 242,255 205,586 327 1,075 0 85,080 534,323 42,642
05/01/2009 242,366 205,778 329 1,080 0 85,462 535,015 41,271
05/30/2009 242,507 205,869 331 1,081 0 85,775 535,563 39,542
07/06/2009 242,774 206,086 332 1,086 0 86,310 536,588 32,911
08/01/2009 242,342 205,879 336 1,094 0 86,398 536,049 26,957
09/01/2009 239,991 203,634 334 1,085 0 85,278 530,322 32,095
10/01/2009 235,206 198,775 330 1,058 0 83,007 518,376 44,044
11/04/2009 231,144 195,289 322 1,030 0 81,257 509,042 52,595
12/01/2009 231,002 195,060 333 1,024 0 81,339 508,758 53,050
02/01/2010 231,471 194,951 330 1,037 0 81,918 509,707 53,141
03/01/2010 231,766 194,788 332 1,044 0 82,176 510,106 53,087
04/01/2010 232,284 194,519 348 1,049 0 82,071 510,271 53,506
05/04/2010 233,347 194,642 345 1,050 0 82,741 512,125 53,308
May 24 - Primary Final 234,785 194,023 328 1,055 0 83,012 513,203 53,425
07/07/2010 233,875 193,030 328 1,042 0 83,117 511,392 53,408
08/03/2010 234,589 192,993 328 1,045 0 83,032 511,987 56,390
09/01/2010 235,026 192,969 329 1,045 0 83,585 512,954 56,448
10/01/2010 235,906 193,304 328 1,055 0 84,412 515,005 56,223
October 18 - Final 237,809 194,204 336 1,080 0 85,932 519,361 55,761
12/01/2010 238,804 194,549 338 1,078 0 86,799 521,568 55,009
05/01/2011 239,055 193,705 337 1,085 0 88,195 522,377 49,706
06/15/2011 240,055 193,902 340 1,093 0 89,115 524,505 48,791
07/01/2011 240,224 193,959 340 1,094 0 89,386 525,023 47,212
08/01/2011 239,752 193,514 342 1,090 0 89,480 524,178 37,627
09/01/2011 239,463 193,083 336 1,074 0 89,654 523,610 39,204
10/01/2011 237,258 191,149 326 1,040 0 88,729 518,502 42,025
11/01/2011 235,180 189,323 326 1,022 0 87,889 513,740 45,116
12/01/2011 234,728 188,887 325 1,027 0 87,948 512,915 46,411
01/01/2012 232,508 186,601 317 997 0 86,447 506,870 52,810
02/01/2012 233,007 186,620 314 1,003 0 86,881 507,825 53,033
03/01/2012 233,233 186,029 311 993 0 86,957 507,523 54,353
04/01/2012 234,158 186,093 310 988 0 87,593 509,142 55,323
05/01/2012 234,800 186,073 310 987 0 88,020 510,190 55,240
06/04/2012 234,903 185,844 312 987 0 89,157 511,203 54,689
07/01/2012 236,491 186,054 315 988 0 88,951 512,799 54,419
08/01/2012 236,906 186,041 316 993 0 89,365 513,621 55,022
09/01/2012 237,798 186,313 325 1,010 0 90,291 515,737 54,815
10/01/2012 239,205 187,063 330 1,045 2 91,557 519,200 54,415
11/05/2012 243,113 189,493 349 1,126 4 94,540 528,621 53,132
12/03/2012 243,991 190,177 350 1,153 4 95,481 531,156 51,807
01/02/2013 244,111 190,212 353 1,165 5 95,846 531,692 51,430
02/05/2013 244,272 190,109 356 1,189 5 96,606 532,538 51,228
03/04/2013 244,346 190,069 358 1,194 6 97,074 533,047 51,032
04/02/2013 244,624 190,072 363 1,213 6 97,793 534,071 50,697
05/01/2013 244,688 189,939 362 1,215 6 98,192 534,402 50,549
06/03/2013 245,023 189,973 369 1,224 5 98,714 535,308 50,422
07/01/2013 245,017 189,773 377 1,232 5 99178 535,582 49444
08/01/2013 244,318 188,780 378 1,247 6 99,266 533,995 46,765
09/03/2013 244,455 188,569 383 1,258 6 99,893 534,564 31,918
10/01/2013 244,793 188,618 384 1,275 6 100,670 535,746 15,940

*NPA - When a voter writes no party affiliation, no party, no choice, none, non-partisan, line crossed off, or the field is blank in the “Choice of Party” field on the voter registration form.

IND - When a voter writes Independent, I, Ind in the “Choice of Party” field on the voter registration form.